Base prints and excess costs: money is hiding in your Albuquerque copier!
Let’s talk about whittling down some obscure costs on your Albuquerque copier. Where is a good place to start for getting your costs down? Base prints is one of the best places to start when looking for savings on a typical average Albuquerque copier. The easiest trick for Albuquerque copier reps is to sell a few…or a few thousand more….prints than you actually need and tell you it’s for your own good. They talk about expensive prints if you go over. They’ll many times say anything to scare or persuade you into getting more base prints for Albuquerque copier in question. But here’s why:
- Say you pay $.012 (market average) for a print
- Then they sell you 3,000 just to be safe
- They just cost you over $2,000 so congratulations!
This is the kind of scenario we are trying to help you avoid by writing these articles and tips for your Albuquerque copier savings. It’s things like these that can save you many thousands over the life of your Albuquerque copier so keep reading to get these free tips and feel free to call with any questions!
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